Premium Toolkit
For Accountants who want the tools, templates, checklists, precedents, guidance and knowledge to serve their company clients with peace of mind and optimise the fee potential of their firm while maximising the value they add.
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Accountancy should be a profitable and rewarding business, but sometimes, dealing with clients, handling workflows, managing cashflows, dealing with deadlines, and navigating the ever changing regulation and legislation can be really challenging.
Whether you are a solopreneur accountant, a sole practitioner with a team, or a multi-partner firm, keeping up with company law, financial reporting, taxation and general laws and regulations is hard.

As accountants, it sometimes feels like we spend all our time working in our business rather than on it – meeting deadlines, finalising accounts, filing returns and solving problems every week and every day. There are so many things that can get in the way of you getting time to focus on your business and optimising your profits.
While you may have your specialist areas, accountants need to be general practitioners with expertise across a huge number of areas just to ensure that your clients are compliant. With so much ground to cover, it can be difficult to create the space to make your firm a more rewarding and less stressful business for yourself.

The ongoing business and time pressure can impact your clients too. Basic compliance errors and mistakes can happen despite everyone’s best efforts. Does your firm have the time and capacity to optimise the value your clients can get from you in the form of advisory services and identifying opportunities for them that will truly make a difference to their business; the type of advice insights and expertise that they truly value; putting money in their pocket, creating wealth and safeguarding their business for themselves and their families?

For the last 15 years, OmniPro has worked with, and for accountants, helping them deal with the waves of legislative change and the ever-evolving compliance environment. We help accountants solve problems for themselves and their clients, with the goal of assisting accountants build outstanding businesses for themselves and their clients too.
I know what it is like to deal with ongoing changes. I know what it is like to grow and develop a team. I know what it is like to win clients and keep them happy. I know what it is like to want more time to work on my business and optimise our revenues and profits but to be pulled from pillar to post every day running my own business but dealing with everyone’s problems as part of my role.
What is The Premium Toolkit and
How Does it Help you Get What you Want?
What is in the Toolkit?
The toolkit breaks down Companies Act 2014 as amended by Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 and provides you with the information and knowledge you and your team need when working with Irish Companies and their directors.
- Integrated Legislation – Companies Act 2014 Legislation Updated by Companies Accounting Act 2017. Instead of having to read two Acts we have integrated and updated the 2014 Act so you only need to read and review one piece of legislation when you are researching or answering questions.
- Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 Analysis. Given the impact of the 2017 Act on financial reporting and financial statements we have created guidance documents and a simplified table that summarises the impact and the changes that you need to be aware of.
- Commentary and Guidance – The key sections of legislation are supported by commentary and analysis, and where applicable, is linked to guidance and the step plans that are relevant.
- 158 template Financial Statements, Abridged Financial Statements, Disclosure Checklists & Checklists – the older CA 2014 formats and also the latest formats under CAA 2017 covering FRS 102, S.1A FRS 102, FRS 105, FRS 101 for Limited companies and companies limited by guarantee – trading companies, charities, property management companies and dormant companies. If it relates to financial statements it is in there.
- 57 Step Plans, Precedents and Guidance documents for common company law transactions (16 brand new precedents for 2018). The minutes, resolutions, notices, precedents and wording for the most common company law transactions that you encounter on a day to day basis. Documents prepared for you to implement in your firm. Integrated Step Plans and guidance documents for many of the more complex and value added transactions. These Step Plans will give you the confidence you need to deal with the majority of Company Law issues that arise with your clients.
- 174 FAQs with new questions continually being added in 2018. In working with our clients, we are continually being asked questions; the problems and issues you face on an ongoing basis. Based on those questions we have created a segregated Frequently Asked Questions portal, so when a question comes up for you, you get the benefit of us having researched it and already come up with the answer. Access to the FAQ section alone is worth far more than the cost of your renewal.
Our development team has been working hard over the past six months to develop fresh content and guidance to keep you up-to-date with Ireland’s ever evolving Company Law environment. This is not static. New information is being added on an ongoing basis.
One of our key focuses this year was to make our content more accessible and easier to navigate, enabling you to quickly find answers to your Company Law questions. We have re-organised much of the content and updated the hierarchy of the site to bring the most popular content to the forefront, but we have also created better deeper links so you can move through the site finding what you want and seeing the links between the legislation and the actual solutions and transactions.
In 2018, we will also undertake a complete overhaul of the video content on, providing you with fresh insights and practical implementation tips, where appropriate.
Your Premium Toolkit Subscription
Annual Subscription
Paid Monthy- 12 month subscription paid monthly
- Integrated Navigable Legislation
- Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 Analysis
- Commentary and Guidance
- 189 Financial Statements & Disclosure Checklists
- 57 Co. Sec Step Plans, Precedents & Guidance
- 174 Company Law & Company Secretarial FAQs
- Seat on Company Law Conference (Live or Online) - 8 Hours CPD
- Seat on Company Law Bootcamp (Online Webinars) - 8 Hours CPD
- Access to - Build Your Company Secretarial Practice Training Series
Annual Subscription
Paid Annually- 12 month subscription paid annually
- Integrated Navigable Legislation
- Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 Analysis
- Commentary and Guidance
- 189 Financial Statements & Disclosure Checklists
- 57 Co. Sec Step Plans, Precedents & Guidance
- 174 Company Law & Company Secretarial FAQs
- Seat on Company Law Conference (Live or Online) - 8 Hours CPD
- Seat on Company Law Bootcamp (Online Webinars) - 8 Hours CPD
- Access to - Build Your Company Secretarial Practice Training Series
How Does it Help you Get What you Want?
Every accountant needs to be on top of company law. The fundamental focus of the Premium Toolkit is to give you that knowledge. This is the most comprehensive online company law resource in Ireland. But this is more.
Why do we give you all this information? We are not very popular with some company secretarial providers in the market who cannot understand why we give away so much and we do not try charge you for providing this advice on a case by case basis.
We give you all of this information because I believe that if accountants have the information and knowledge at their fingertips and then have all the documentation and procedures they need in this toolkit, that accountancy firms can improve the quality of service they deliver to their clients, while simultaneously increasing their top line revenues and improve their bottom line profits. If an accountant were to apply just one of our more advanced procedures in a year, they would cover the cost of the toolkit and increase their fees. If accountants were to fully apply the processes and procedures, I believe they can substantially increase their fees.
What do you get for €299 + vat?
If you sign up to the toolkit by 12 of July 2018 you will also get some additional bonuses.
Bonus 1 – A Seat on The Irish Company Law Conference
(value €250 + 8 Hours CPD)
Included in your subscription, you will receive 8 hours CPD at Ireland’s premier Company Law Conference. If you can’t make the conference in person, we will make the Online CPD version of the conference available to you after the event.
Bonus 2 – A Seat on The Company Law Bootcamp
(value €199 + 6 Hours CPD)
Also included in your subscription is a seat on The Company Law Bootcamp. This 6-part webinar series, providing 6 hours of CPD, will run across the second half of 2018, going deep on the core areas of company law that accountants tell us are relevant to them. If you can’t make the webinar at the scheduled time, the replays will be made available from the members’ area.
Bonus 3 – Build Your Company Secretarial Practice Training Series
This training series will equip you with additional documentation, templates and scripts to help you develop and grow your compliance and advisory services. We will bring you through practical processes and procedures that will add top line revenue and bottom line profits in your firm. I will eat my hat if you do not recover the full value of your investment in the Premium Toolkit based on this tiny part of the site alone.
The Summary
Your Annual Subscription of €299 + vat gives you access to the entire toolkit containing everything you need from a company law perspective, plus 14 hours of CPD plus an opportunity to improve and expand your service offering making more money for you and your firm.
This pays for itself.
Annual Subscription
Paid Monthy- 12 month subscription paid monthly
- Integrated Navigable Legislation
- Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 Analysis
- Commentary and Guidance
- 189 Financial Statements & Disclosure Checklists
- 57 Co. Sec Step Plans, Precedents & Guidance
- 174 Company Law & Company Secretarial FAQs
- Seat on Company Law Conference (Live or Online) - 8 Hours CPD
- Seat on Company Law Bootcamp (Online Webinars) - 8 Hours CPD
- Access to - Build Your Company Secretarial Practice Training Series
Annual Subscription
Paid Annually- 12 month subscription paid annually
- Integrated Navigable Legislation
- Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 Analysis
- Commentary and Guidance
- 189 Financial Statements & Disclosure Checklists
- 57 Co. Sec Step Plans, Precedents & Guidance
- 174 Company Law & Company Secretarial FAQs
- Seat on Company Law Conference (Live or Online) - 8 Hours CPD
- Seat on Company Law Bootcamp (Online Webinars) - 8 Hours CPD
- Access to - Build Your Company Secretarial Practice Training Series
It is not just about you though – Your Membership Will Help Others
We are proud to be part of the B1G1 Business For Good Programme. Contribution is a core value that we treasure. We believe that Business has the power and responsibility to make a difference in the world. Now, through B1G1, together we can work to create lasting change in the world.
For every member who signs up for we will fund a social entrepreneur and help to make a social change by offering financial support, which is inclusive of the start-up costs needed to set up a pilot initiative or business in India. Your contribution will go a long way in converting business ideas into working pilots, propelling these social entrepreneurs one step closer towards offering long-term solutions to social problems occurring on a daily basis in India.