Yes the 10% rule is for each director and their connected persons. So if two unconnected directors had loans that if net off would not be reportable (as below 10% of the relevant net assets) but in isolation the debit balance is reportable then the auditor must report and the director would be in breach. […]

No. Where the balance has arisen from the company entering into transactions in the normal course of business and: The values of the transactions is not greater than what is normally offered to other parties; and was not unreasonable to be offered based on the financial standing of a similar company then this does not come […]

Under Section 160 CA2014, the Directors meeting been convened to approve the accounts for signing and recommend the resolution(s) to members and to convene the AGM. Under Section 341 CA2014 the financial statement may be signed off and available at the AGM, If not, the AGM must still be held (and notice given if the […]

Question:   We have a client Irish company that qualified for audit exemption up to 31/12/2017 on the basis that it was a dormant company. This company is a full subsidiary of a much larger non-Irish company and thus had it not been “dormant” it would have needed an audit performed. This company qualified for […]

Question:   We have a client Irish company that qualified for audit exemption up to 31/12/2017 on the basis that it was a dormant company. This company is a full subsidiary of a much larger non-Irish company and thus had it not been “dormant” it would have needed an audit performed. This company qualified for […]

No the beneficial ownership register requires all persons on the board of the directors of the company to be named in the beneficial ownership register. You cannot pick and choose. The European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2016 refers.

No the beneficial ownership register requires all persons on the board of the directors of the company to be named in the beneficial ownership register. You cannot pick and choose. The European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2016 refers.

Since November 2016, all corporate entities (Companies and Co-Ops) are required to have in place a Register of Beneficial Ownership. This is governed by the European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2016. A Beneficial Owner is defined in the regulations as someone who directly or indirectly has control of 25% or more of […]

Since November 2016, all corporate entities (Companies and Co-Ops) are required to have in place a Register of Beneficial Ownership. This is governed by the European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2016. A Beneficial Owner is defined in the regulations as someone who directly or indirectly has control of 25% or more of […]