No, Section 325 of CA 2014 as amended by Section 41 of Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 specifically exempts a company that qualifies for the micro companies regime from the requirement to prepare a directors’ report as long as the company discloses the requirements of Section 328 of CA 2014 (which deals with the disclosure requirements […]

Section 1274 of Companies Act 2014 states that for a ULC other than a designated ULC, the financial statements of the ULC do not need to be filed with the CRO. Within Section 1274 is a definition of a designated ULC. Section 78 of Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 has amended and broadened the existing definition in Section 1274 which has effectively […]

Section 1274 of Companies Act 2014 states that for a ULC other than a designated ULC, the financial statements of the ULC do not need to be filed with the CRO. Within Section 1274 is a definition of a designated ULC. Section 78 of Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 has amended and broadened the existing definition in Section 1274 which has effectively […]

Question: A client who is audit exempt and preparing accounts under FRS102A is looking for any exemptions possible with regards disclosure of directors remuneration on the grounds that it commercially sensitive. Is there anything we can do? Answer: The requirement to disclose directors’ rem is driven by company law, rather than by FRS102 section 1A, […]

Question: I have a query in relation to alternate directors and the accounts presentation in relation to same. Is it sufficient to just note in the contents page only that the new director has been appointed and that they are an alternate director or should alternate also be noted in brackets beside the directors name […]

The interim period of the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act 2020 was extended to 30 April 2022. Beyond this date, a company will not be able to hold an AGM/other shareholder meetings virtually unless this is specifically permitted in their constitution.     We would recommend that a resolution is passed at a members’ meeting, to amend the […]

Where the secretary is not acting as a secretary to a public limited company (PLC) there is no specific qualifications required for to act as a secretary. Instead the directors have a duty to ensure the person appointed as secretary has the necessary resources available to procure the maintenance of the records (other than accounting […]

Where the secretary is not acting as a secretary to a public limited company (PLC) there is no specific qualifications required for to act as a secretary. Instead the directors have a duty to ensure the person appointed as secretary has the necessary resources available to procure the maintenance of the records (other than accounting […]