Question We have a group which are required to have an Audit Committee under Section 167 of the Companies Act 2014. The Group decided to establish an Audit Committee. The group, in an attempt to fulfil Section 167 (4) – appointed a Non-Executive Director [Mr A] who was considered to be independent (all other members […]

Question We have a group which are required to have an Audit Committee under Section 167 of the Companies Act 2014. The Group decided to establish an Audit Committee. The group, in an attempt to fulfil Section 167 (4) – appointed a Non-Executive Director [Mr A] who was considered to be independent (all other members […]

Question: If an EFA is filing B1 and financials is the ‘Overall Certificate For Financial Statements’ required if we have a wet ink signed copy of the financials? Can these be uploaded instead of a typed signature and director cert? Answer: Where you sign a B1 as an EFA, you need to file an overall […]