When a company is purchasing an asset from a director or its connected persons, the company law considerations that must be followed are: Section 238 requirements Section 238 of CA 2014 states that a director of a company or its holding company or their connected persons (as defined in Section 220 of CA 2014) cannot enter into an arrangement […]

When a company is purchasing an asset from a director or its connected persons, the company law considerations that must be followed are: Section 238 requirements Section 238 of CA 2014 states that a director of a company or its holding company or their connected persons (as defined in Section 220 of CA 2014) cannot enter into an arrangement […]

When a company is purchasing an asset from a director or its connected persons, the company law considerations that must be followed are: Section 238 requirements Section 238 of CA 2014 states that a director of a company or its holding company or their connected persons (as defined in Section 220 of CA 2014) cannot enter into an arrangement […]

Your eligibility to act as a reporting accountant is dependent on whether you meet the definition of regulation 26(4) of the solicitors accounts regulations as a “reporting accountant”. Section 26(4) defines the reporting accountant as follows; (4) A “reporting accountant” (which shall where the context so admits or requires include a firm of accountants), for […]

Question: I have a client company with 2 directors, one has a 99% shareholding and the other holds 1%. Do both directors have to sign the accounts? The 1% shareholder/Director primarily acts as a Non-Executive Director?   Answer: The Board of Directors, in your case both Directors, are required to approve and sign under 324(1) […]