The Companies Act Conference


Grant Me Access to The Companies Act Conference

  • As a subscriber to the Premium Toolkit during our launch period I am delighted to grant you access to The Companies Act Conference. (Full details for the event can be found below.)

    There are 2 ways you can do this:-

    1. Register for the Live Event

      We would love to see you at the Conference but we ask that you make sure you are available to attend the event in Citywest on the 2nd of July and that if you select this option you do attend. If for any reason you select this option and you are subsquently unable to make the event please give us as much advance notice as possible.

    2. Register for the Online CPD of the Event

      When you select this option we will automitacally update your profile with the Online CPD version of the course including HD video, soft copy notes and some little bonus treats. You will then have access to the Online CPD as a reference tool into the future.

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The Companies Act 2014 is the single biggest piece of legislation enacted in the history of the state. The commencement of the Act on the 1st of June brings over 15 years of consultation, preparation and work to a conclusion. This significant change impacts directly on professional advisors, SME companies and their directors.

With change like this comes significant challenge, but we believe the act presents an opportunity for accountants and professional advisors to consolidate their position as The Trusted Advisors to Irish SMEs.

The Companies Act Conference has been designed to assist you guide your clients and companies through the transition to The Companies Act 2014 avoiding the pitfalls and availing of the opportunities.

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